Tuesday, February 8, 2011

School and stuff

I never thought I would be back in school, again. I never planned on more than four years of college. I am now working on my eighth year. Getting a doctorate at 43 is tough, but then when does one stop learning? I wonder where they came up with some of what I am studying? I wonder if my patients knew what all I had to learn, would they really be impressed or would they wonder what mental health clinic they could refer me to?

Fortunately, I am not on this journey alone. Where God leads... How could I do this without Him? I am fortunate that I have a ton of friends and family to help. None of them want to proof my papers though. They say my papers are boring at this point!

If someone ever decides to read this blog and wonders where the name came from, it is from what I do. I am a nurse practitioner. I am also a quilter. That is the obvious meaning of my name of my blog. For those who are more philosophical, God is my healer, He is the one that places the threads in my life so that one day, I will see the whole picture He has created. I am reading through Chronicles right now. It is a tough book, full of names and numbers, yet there are snipits of cool things. One of the reason one of the kings had problems with his feet is because he did not seek God. What a reminder to go to God with my school, home, Sunday school class, quilting and everything else in my life!

We will see how this blog thing goes, until then...